Episode 71: Brap Brap Your Voice | The Power of Assertive Communication


In the world of motorcycles, the "brap" sound of a revving engine is thrilling. But when it comes to communication, especially for women in male-dominated fields or environments, being a little louder can sometimes be seen in a negative light. In today's episode, titled "Brap Brap Your Voice," we encourage you to make a little noise by exercising assertive communication.

Many women face the unique challenge of being labeled as aggressive when they assert themselves in careers, relationships, and other interactions, particularly in fields or settings traditionally dominated by men. However, there's a world of difference between assertive and aggressive communication. Assertive communication allows you to express yourself effectively while respecting the needs of others, even in environments where your voice may have been historically overlooked or undervalued.

We'll dive into the importance of honing your assertive communication skills, which can be a tremendous tool for not only standing up for your points of view but also challenging and changing outdated norms and expectations. Join us on The Motovation as we explore the power of assertive communication in a world that sometimes needs a little extra noise to create positive change.


Episode 69: From Two Wheels to Three | Navigating Motherhood with Hayley Wight