Your Adventure Starts Here.

Kickstart your Mondays with our fresh weekly episodes and if you're new here, buckle up! We've got a binge-worthy collection of over 100 episodes to fuel your Motovation journey.

Krissy Vann Krissy Vann

Episode 69: From Two Wheels to Three | Navigating Motherhood with Hayley Wight

Explore the unique journey of motherhood with Hayley, a seasoned Triumph rider, as she navigates the highs and lows of transitioning from two wheels to three. Join us for an honest conversation about the emotional landscape of identity shift and the importance of opening up about the experience. This is The Motovation, celebrating the diverse journeys that shape our lives.

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Krissy Vann Krissy Vann

Episode 65: Navigating Life's Emotional Switchbacks

Join Chelsea Teat and Krissy in a special edition of The Motovation Podcast as they reflect on summer adventures, share memorable riding moments, and play a hilarious game of "Autumn Would You Rather." Stay tuned for more inspiring episodes and support for Laurie Joy Kingwell during this family matter.

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Krissy Vann Krissy Vann

Episode 59: Moto Manifestation | The Art of Riding and Living with Intent

Explore the powerful concept of Moto Manifestation in our blog, where riding and living with intent converge. Learn how to apply the 'look where you want to go' principle from motorcycling to life, and discover the art of manifesting your desires while avoiding common misconceptions. Ride and live with purpose today!

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Krissy Vann Krissy Vann

Episode 57: Fairweather Ride: Capitalizing on the Summer Boost

Discover the seasonal shifts in mood and energy as we explore the parallels between motorcycling and human experiences in our blog post, 'Fairweather Ride: Capitalizing on the Summer Boost.' Learn how to make the most of the elevated mood that comes with summer, take calculated risks, and develop efficient habits for a more fulfilling life.

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Krissy Vann Krissy Vann

Episode 55: Riding Through Loss | Chelsea Teat's Journey of Grief and Resilience

Explore Chelsea Teat's inspiring story of grief, resilience, and finding purpose after profound loss in our latest blog post, 'Riding Through Loss: Chelsea Teat's Journey of Grief and Resilience'. Discover how she overcame the devastating loss of both parents before 30, her transformative experiences as a singer and dancer on cruise ships, and her calling as a psychiatric nurse. Join us as we delve into Chelsea's journey, a powerful testament to the human spirit's capacity to find meaning and give back in the face of life's toughest challenges.

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Krissy Vann Krissy Vann

Episode 53: The Creative Spark Plug | Igniting Ingenuity in Everyday Life

Tune into 'The Creative Spark Plug: Igniting Ingenuity in Everyday Life' on our podcast, where we explore the essence of creativity in the human brain. Learn how creativity is not just an innate trait but a skill that can be cultivated at any age. Discover practical tips for building your creative muscle, enhancing problem-solving skills, and incorporating innovation into daily life. Join us as we delve into the benefits of nurturing your creative spark, transforming everyday challenges into opportunities for growth and originality.

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Krissy Vann Krissy Vann

Episode 51: Ascending the Valley: Exploring New Heights with Christy Pritchard

Join us on 'Ascending the Valley' with Christy Pritchard, exploring the parallels between conquering challenging motorcycle climbs and personal growth through psychedelic exploration. In this episode, Christy, a Podcast Host and YouTuber, shares her profound experiences with altered states of consciousness, including insights into how psychedelics can expand reality and aid in healing. Discover the journey of facing inner challenges and achieving new perspectives, much like ascending a steep hill on a motorcycle. Tune in for an enlightening discussion on personal development and the unconventional paths to self-discovery.

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Krissy Vann Krissy Vann

Episode 49: Decide Each Ride: Shaping Your Day with Perception and Choice

Tune into 'Decide Each Ride: Shaping Your Day with Perception and Choice' on The Motovation podcast. This episode explores how our daily experiences, good or bad, are influenced more by our perception than by circumstances. Learn to consciously choose your reactions and frame the meaning of your interactions, transforming the way you perceive and experience each day. Join us as we discuss the power of mindset in turning everyday challenges into positive experiences, empowering you to decide the quality of your day, every day.

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Krissy Vann Krissy Vann

Episode 47: Clutch into Confidence | Selene Dior's Journey of Self-Empowerment and Success

Explore Selene Dior's empowering journey on 'Clutch into Confidence', where we discuss her transformation from a competitive swimmer to the successful Founder and CEO of Vitae Apparel. Discover how she overcame challenges to her self-esteem, created a brand that celebrates diversity in beauty, and achieved remarkable entrepreneurial success. Tune in to hear Selene's inspiring story of building confidence and lifting others, proving herself as a boundary-pushing powerhouse in both business and life.

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Krissy Vann Krissy Vann

Episode 45: Road to Resilience | Kim Okabe's Unyielding Journey on Two Wheels

Discover Kim Okabe's inspiring journey of resilience on the Motovation podcast in our latest episode, 'Road to Resilience: Kim Okabe's Unyielding Journey on Two Wheels'. Learn how she overcame life's toughest challenges, including personal loss and severe injuries, and how her love for motorcycling and leadership with The Litas Vancouver empowers women globally. Tune in to hear how Kim's determination and passion helped her not just recover, but thrive in the face of adversity, embodying the true spirit of resilience.

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Krissy Vann Krissy Vann

Episode 43: The Joy Ride | Rekindling the Spirit of Play in Our Adult Lives

Tune into 'The Joy Ride: Rekindling the Spirit of Play in Our Adult Lives' on the Motovation podcast. We explore the importance of play for adults, why it often diminishes with age, and the consequences of this loss. Learn how integrating play into daily life, including motorcycling adventures, can enhance wellbeing and joy. Join us as we share insights and practical tips to revive the playful spirit within, proving that play is not just for children but a crucial aspect of a fulfilling adult life.

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Krissy Vann Krissy Vann

Episode 41: Earth Suits and Engines: Understanding Our Body-Brain Connection with Rayna Milne

Tune into 'Earth Suits and Engines: Understanding Our Body-Brain Connection with Rayna Milne' on The Motovation podcast. Explore the intricate workings of our body and mind, akin to a motorcycle engine, with expert insights from Rayna Milne. A yoga practitioner, Doula, and Registered Massage Therapist, Rayna shares her journey and knowledge on the importance of balancing our fight/flight and rest/digest systems. Discover the fascinating parallels between our physical and mental wellbeing and the harmony of a motorcycle's mechanics in this enlightening episode.

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Krissy Vann Krissy Vann

Episode 39: Riding Solo or with a Sidecar: Navigating Childfree and Parental Paths in Life

Dive into our podcast episode 'Riding Solo or with a Sidecar: Navigating Childfree and Parental Paths in Life', as we explore the profound decision of choosing parenthood or embracing a childfree journey. We discuss societal pressures, personal experiences, and the beauty of both paths, whether you're adding a 'sidecar' to your life's ride or cruising solo. Join us for an open and honest conversation about the diverse routes life can take, affirming that each journey, with or without children, is valid and uniquely fulfilling.

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Krissy Vann Krissy Vann

Episode 37: Poppin' Wheelies | Finding Balance in Life's Stunts with Krista Verheil of Della Crew

Join us in 'Poppin' Wheelies', a podcast episode featuring Krista Verheil, a trailblazing motorcyclist and entrepreneur. Discover Krista's journey from balancing a high-powered career and motherhood while secretly battling addiction, to becoming the first person in Canada to wheelie a Harley and founding the women's motorcycle clothing brand Della Crew. Learn about her inspiring path to recovery and how she rebuilt her life, offering hope and motivation to overcome life's toughest challenges.

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Krissy Vann Krissy Vann

Episode 35: Navigating New Beginnings: Steering Clear of Resolution Roadblocks

Discover effective strategies for achieving New Year's resolutions in our podcast 'Navigating New Beginnings: Steering Clear of Resolution Roadblocks'. Learn why most resolutions fail and how to harness the power of new beginnings for your well-being. Join us as we explore practical tips for setting realistic goals and staying motivated throughout the year, ensuring your journey into the New Year is successful and fulfilling.

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Krissy Vann Krissy Vann

Episode 33: Riding Through Life | Steering Clear of Burnout on Life's Long Road

Join us in our latest podcast episode 'Riding Through Life: Steering Clear of Burnout on Life's Long Road' as we explore the parallels between motorcycle burnouts and life's burnout. Learn about the different types of burnout, their impact on health, and strategies to avoid and recover from this exhaustive state. Tune in for insights on maintaining your mental and physical wellbeing, akin to keeping a motorcycle in top condition.

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