Episode 41: Earth Suits and Engines: Understanding Our Body-Brain Connection with Rayna Milne


In the world of motorcycles, firing up the engine sets in motion a symphony of mechanical processes. The engine whirs, purrs, or growls to life, with pistons moving rhythmically, driven by controlled explosions of fuel and air. Even at idle, beneath the tank, intricate systems work in harmony, propelling the rider forward. This mechanical marvel mirrors the fascinating interplay between our bodies and minds. Even when we seem at rest, our brains and bodies are active, humming along with life's rhythm.

In today's episode, we delve into the mysteries of this body-brain connection with our special guest and fellow rider, Rayna Milne. Rayna's journey is as diverse as it is intriguing – from practicing yoga, working as a doula, to massaging horses in Italy, and now serving as a Registered Massage Therapist and pursuing her Masters in Counselling. Her work has always centered around a deep curiosity about people's inner workings and how these relate to what she affectionately terms their "Earth Suit".

Rayna's insights into the human brain-body connection are enlightening, especially her perspectives on the balance between our fight/flight and rest/digest systems. She emphasizes that neither should be prized over the other, as both play crucial roles in our overall well-being. Join us as we explore Rayna's journey and her wisdom on the interconnectedness of our physical and mental states. This episode of The Motovation is not just a conversation; it's a journey into understanding the intricate engine that powers our own 'Earth Suits'.


Episode 43: The Joy Ride | Rekindling the Spirit of Play in Our Adult Lives


Episode 39: Riding Solo or with a Sidecar: Navigating Childfree and Parental Paths in Life