Episode 39: Riding Solo or with a Sidecar: Navigating Childfree and Parental Paths in Life


In the world of motorcycling, a sidecar is more than just an attachment; it symbolizes shared adventure and companionship. It's a unique way to experience the thrill of the ride with someone else, leaning into life's sweeping S curves and open stretches together. This motorcycle appendage serves as a poignant metaphor for one of life's most significant decisions – choosing to bring a child into your world. Just like deciding to ride with a sidecar, choosing to have children fundamentally alters the dynamics of your journey.

The decision to procreate, or not, is a profound one, often laden with intense emotions and societal pressures. For some, the desire to have children is a clear and unwavering part of their life's plan. Others may face challenges in realizing this dream, while some choose a different path, one without children, either by choice or circumstance. And then there are those for whom this life-altering change arrives unexpectedly. Regardless of the route taken, each path is accompanied by its own set of societal expectations and pressures, often weighing heavily on the individuals and couples involved.

In our podcast, we delve into these diverse experiences, opening up about our own journeys with or without the 'sidecar' of children. We address the pressures and expectations that society often imposes on our choices and discuss how these can impact our lives. Most importantly, we emphasize the beauty and validity of every journey, whether it involves children or not. Our discussion aims to reaffirm that whichever road you're on – sidecar or solo – it's the right one for you, and it promises to be a beautiful, enriching ride. Join us as we explore these paths, sharing insights and experiences that celebrate the diversity of life's journeys.


Episode 41: Earth Suits and Engines: Understanding Our Body-Brain Connection with Rayna Milne


Episode 37: Poppin' Wheelies | Finding Balance in Life's Stunts with Krista Verheil of Della Crew