Episode 43: The Joy Ride | Rekindling the Spirit of Play in Our Adult Lives


As children, the simple act of racing home to grab a bicycle and meet friends at the playground was pure magic. It was a world where imagination reigned supreme, and play was the order of the day. Fast forward to adulthood, and as motorcyclists, we get a taste of this freedom when we message our moto crew for a group ride or meetup. But there's a catch – as adults, we often hold back from truly letting go and immersing ourselves in play. Concerns about what others think, the self-imposed busyness of our lives, and the notion that play is only for vacations or 'appropriate' times, hinder our ability to fully engage in playful activities. And sadly, some of us even forget how to play altogether.

In today's episode of the Motovation podcast, we delve into the concept of play for grown-ups. What does it mean to play as an adult? Why do so many of us stop playing, and what are the consequences of this loss? We explore these questions and shed light on the repercussions of neglecting play in our adult lives. More importantly, we discuss how we can reintegrate play into our daily routines, thereby inviting numerous benefits to our journey through life.

Our discussion isn't just about motorcycling; it's about the broader implications of play for our well-being. We'll share insights and tips on how to incorporate play into our lives, breaking down the barriers that adulthood often erects around this vital activity. Join us as we explore how to reignite that childlike spark of joy and creativity, reminding ourselves that play is not just an escape but a necessary part of a balanced, happy life. This episode is more than just a conversation; it's an invitation to rediscover the magic of play and infuse it into every aspect of our adult lives, including our passion for motorcycling.


Episode 45: Road to Resilience | Kim Okabe's Unyielding Journey on Two Wheels


Episode 41: Earth Suits and Engines: Understanding Our Body-Brain Connection with Rayna Milne