Episode 49: Decide Each Ride: Shaping Your Day with Perception and Choice


Life is filled with elements beyond our control, each day bringing its own set of unforeseen circumstances. It's the unpredictability of daily events - the broken elevator, the wrongly made coffee, or the last-minute change in plans - that often dictates whether we label our day as good, bad, or somewhere in between. On the flip side, we have those serendipitous moments: catching all green lights on the way to work, a stranger paying forward our coffee, or witnessing a perfect sunset. These events too, shape our perception of the day.

But what if we could alter this automatic response? What if the quality of our day wasn't solely at the mercy of external circumstances but also a product of our own perception? In today's episode of The Motovation, titled 'Decide Each Ride', we explore this empowering concept. We discuss how the notion of a 'good' or 'bad' day is less about what happens to us and more about how we perceive and react to these events.

We delve into the idea of consciously choosing how we feel each day, regardless of the challenges or rewards it brings. It's about framing the meaning we give to our interactions and experiences, not letting them dictate our mood or outlook. This episode isn't just about coping with life's unpredictability; it's about actively shaping our reality through perception and choice. Join us as we share insights and strategies on how to transform your daily ride through life, proving that even on the most challenging roads, we have the power to decide the quality of our journey.


Episode 51: Ascending the Valley: Exploring New Heights with Christy Pritchard


Episode 47: Clutch into Confidence | Selene Dior's Journey of Self-Empowerment and Success