Episode 51: Ascending the Valley: Exploring New Heights with Christy Pritchard


For motorcyclists, the challenge of ascending a steep hill amidst a wall of traffic is a familiar scenario. It's a moment that requires a pause, a reassessment, and then a delicate balance between throttle and clutch to make the climb. From the rider's perspective, the hill or mountaintop can seem like an insurmountable obstacle. This fear of stalling on steep climbs leads some to avoid these routes altogether, thereby missing out on the breathtaking views and new perspectives that lie beyond.

In today's episode of 'Ascending the Valley', we're joined by Christy Pritchard, the engaging Podcast Host and YouTuber behind 'Awkward Ascent'. Christy brings a unique perspective to our discussion, focusing on an unconventional tool for personal exploration and healing: psychedelics. She believes that healing can take many forms and that psychedelics are a vital key in helping people work through their personal challenges.

We'll dive into Christy's experiences with altered states of consciousness, including some of her most notable journeys, like a profound visit to the moment of her own conception. Through her stories, we learn how psychedelic exploration can not only expand our reality but also provide deep insights and healing. Just as ascending a steep hill on a motorcycle requires courage and a new approach, exploring the realms of consciousness with psychedelics demands an openness to new experiences and perspectives.

Join us in this intriguing episode as we discuss the parallels between overcoming challenges on the road and in our inner landscapes. Christy's journey through psychedelics offers a fresh outlook on personal growth, healing, and the expansion of reality. Whether you're a seasoned rider facing your own steep hills or someone curious about the depths of the human mind, 'Ascending the Valley' promises to be an enlightening ride.


Episode 53: The Creative Spark Plug | Igniting Ingenuity in Everyday Life


Episode 49: Decide Each Ride: Shaping Your Day with Perception and Choice