Episode 55: Riding Through Loss | Chelsea Teat's Journey of Grief and Resilience


In the world of motorcycling, the bond between riders is more than just friendship; it's a deep trust, almost a dance of anticipation and understanding. Riding side by side, you create unforgettable memories, making each ride better and more meaningful. But what happens when one rider goes down, never to ride again? The experience of getting back on the bike, taking that ride again, changes fundamentally. It brings forth the daunting questions: Do you ride again? Alone or with someone new, knowing the risks involved?

This is much like our journey through life with family, friends, and loved ones. They are the companions of our everyday ride, making life beautiful and worth experiencing. Yet, the deep loss of a loved one is an inevitable fact of life, the ultimate price we pay for loving someone so profoundly. Whether the loss is sudden or the end looms over an extended period, it changes us instantly, altering how we experience life.

Our guest today, Chelsea Teat, has faced unimaginable loss, having lost both her parents before the age of 30. Her mother passed away from breast cancer when Chelsea was in 9th grade, and then, at 29, she lost her father to a terminal illness. These losses have shaped Chelsea in profound ways, taking on various expressions and evolutions in her life. Through it all, she has continued to forge ahead, creating meaning and purpose out of her suffering.

Part of Chelsea's journey led her to the seas, where she found joy in singing and dancing aboard cruise ships - a passion that had been too painful to pursue after her mother's passing. Once back on land, caring for her father led her to discover her true calling: becoming a psychiatric nurse, dedicated to caring for the most vulnerable in our community and facing challenges that many would avoid.

Chelsea's story is one of battling angst and depression to create a life of meaning and purpose. She gives back to others, not in spite of her experiences, but because of them. Her journey is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit in the face of profound loss. Join us as we explore Chelsea's story, a ride through grief, resilience, and the pursuit of joy and purpose amidst life's most challenging moments.


Episode 57: Fairweather Ride: Capitalizing on the Summer Boost


Episode 53: The Creative Spark Plug | Igniting Ingenuity in Everyday Life