Episode 35: Navigating New Beginnings: Steering Clear of Resolution Roadblocks


As the calendar turns to a fresh New Year, many of us rev up our engines, eager to race towards our new goals. It's a time filled with ambition and optimism, much like a rider preparing for a long-awaited journey. But as we hit the road, obstacles can appear, and doubts may begin to cloud our minds. Questions like "Was I ready for this journey?", "Did I plan my route carefully?", or "Do I have the skills to travel this far?" can make us contemplate turning back. This is a familiar crossroad for anyone who has ever set a New Year's resolution, with a staggering 64% abandoning their goals within the first month. However, the falter is often not due to failure but to a misunderstanding of how resolutions truly work.

In our podcast, we tackle the root causes of why New Year's resolutions often don't stick. It's a journey into understanding the psychology behind our annual aspirations and the common pitfalls that derail us. Like a rider who needs more than just a map to complete a long journey, we need more than just a resolution to achieve lasting change. We'll explore how setting resolutions is akin to planning a long motorcycle trip: it requires preparation, realistic goals, and an understanding of the terrain ahead.

More importantly, we delve into harnessing the power of new beginnings in a way that benefits our overall well-being. This isn’t just about setting goals; it's about understanding how to make them achievable and meaningful. We'll discuss strategies to keep the journey enjoyable and sustainable, much like how a smart rider plans their route, taking into account their skills, the condition of the road, and the machine they're riding. Join us as we explore how to navigate the path of new beginnings with wisdom and insight, ensuring that our journey into the New Year is not just a fleeting sprint but a fulfilling and enduring ride.


Episode 37: Poppin' Wheelies | Finding Balance in Life's Stunts with Krista Verheil of Della Crew


Episode 33: Riding Through Life | Steering Clear of Burnout on Life's Long Road