Episode 11: Twisting the Throttle of Creativity | Rene Botha's Inspiring Journey


The thrill of motorcycle riding often lies in the exhilaration of twisting the throttle and shifting up through the gears, feeling the momentum build with each transition. This rush is akin to the excitement of embracing our creative selves and leveraging our natural abilities. Just as a motorcyclist moves through the gears to increase speed and performance, we, too, can choose to elevate our skills and push beyond the status quo. It's about making a conscious decision to not just remain in a comfortable gear, but to challenge ourselves, to shift higher and explore the full extent of our potential.

In our latest podcast episode, Laurie and Krissy have a riveting conversation with Rene Botha, a multifaceted artist with an inspiring journey. Born in South Africa and immigrating to Canada at 14, Rene has been nurturing her passion for the arts her entire life. Her repertoire is as diverse as it is impressive, encompassing drawing, painting, sculpting, writing, and music. Now, as a highly sought-after tattoo artist in Vancouver, Rene exemplifies what it means to continually strive for growth and dive deeper into one's creative pursuits. Her story is not just about artistic talent, but about the relentless pursuit of personal and professional development.

This episode is more than just a glimpse into Rene's life; it's a roadmap for anyone looking to shift gears in their own journey. Laurie, Krissy, and Rene discuss the importance of honing one's craft and the ways to lean into the essence of our creative selves. It's an invitation to listeners to explore their potential, to learn how to level up in their pursuits, and to embrace the continuous process of self-improvement. Whether you're an artist, a musician, a writer, or just someone looking to infuse more creativity into your life, this podcast is a guide to unlocking your own gears of creativity and accelerating towards your dreams.


Episode 13: Choosing Your Ride | Embracing Life's Diverse Paths


Episode 09: Harnessing Momentum | The Power of Forward Motion in Life