Episode 03: Breaking Free from Destination Addiction


In the latest episode of our podcast, we delve into a concept that's often overlooked yet significantly impacts our lives: destination addiction. But we're not talking about the urge to constantly pack your bags for the next vacation or motorcycle ride. Instead, we explore the deeper, more pervasive belief that success and happiness are destinations to be reached, rather than experiences to be enjoyed in the present. This belief leads us to think that happiness and success are always just around the corner, perpetually out of reach in the future.

Destination addiction can be a subtle yet powerful force, silently steering our life's journey. It convinces us to always look ahead, causing us to miss the joy and opportunities available right now. In this episode, we dive deep into understanding what destination addiction really is. We discuss how it manifests in our daily lives, often disguised as a relentless pursuit of 'the next big thing' or a constant state of 'when I achieve X, I'll be happy.' Recognizing these patterns is the first step towards freeing ourselves from this addictive mindset.

But we don’t just stop at identifying the problem; we also provide solutions. Our 'Motovation Maintenance' segment is designed to help guide you towards a path where you can invite happiness and success into the present moment. We offer practical tools and strategies to help you appreciate your current journey and find fulfillment in the here and now. It’s about learning to enjoy the ride, not just the destination. So tune in, and let’s start redefining our approach to happiness and success, making them a part of our journey, not just the end goal.


Episode 05: Riding Uphill | Richelle Trelenberg's Trailblazing Path in the Motorcycle World


Episode 01: Fueling Your Journey | The Essence of Motivation