Episode 05: Riding Uphill | Richelle Trelenberg's Trailblazing Path in the Motorcycle World


Riding a motorcycle uphill isn't just a physical challenge; it's a metaphor for the extra effort and skill required in life's steeper climbs, especially for women breaking barriers in traditionally male-dominated spaces. In the world of motorcycling, this metaphor rings particularly true. As riders ascend, they must apply more gas, rev the engine higher, and overcome the fear of stalling or rolling backwards. This scenario mirrors the experiences of women like Richelle Trelenberg, our special guest in this episode, who have navigated their own uphill battles in life and career.

Richelle Trelenberg isn't just a name in the motorcycle community; she's a trailblazer. As the owner of True Grit Moto, Richelle has redefined what it means to be a woman in a space often dominated by men. Her journey is rooted in her childhood, growing up amidst the roar of engines and the gleam of Harley Davidsons. Inspired by her father, a bike builder, and her godfather's association with Harley Davidson, Richelle's passion for motorcycles was ignited early. However, it wasn't just about riding or being part of the community; it was about transforming it.

Richelle's individuality and determination led her to create a unique space within the motorcycle industry, one that champions inclusivity and empowerment. Her mobile motorcycle shop in Vancouver, BC, isn't just a business; it's a statement. It's a space where sex, gender, and background aren't barriers but facets of a diverse and vibrant community. Through her entrepreneurial spirit and dedication to inclusivity, Richelle Trelenberg is not just conquering her uphill battle but also paving the way for others to ride smoothly in the future.


Episode 07: Motorcycling and the Mind | Navigating the Road of Life


Episode 03: Breaking Free from Destination Addiction